A night of reflection over Blue Lake
Published 20 May 2020

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About this object
During the early morning hours of June 16, 2018 Mars and Jupiter framed the Milky Way over Blue Lake, high in the Warner Mountains of northeastern California. A lone photographer stands on a point over the lake to the left and has just taken an exposure of the night sky. The Milky Way is majestic looking to the south with the reflection of Mars to the left shining brightly on the water. The planet Jupiter is to the right. A reflection of the Milky Way and stars can be seen below the downed tree near center. This image is a mosaic comprised of 9 separate images taken with a Canon 6D DSLR and Sigma 14mm f1.8 ART lens at f2.5. Each image was 20sec in length at ISO 6400. See the links above for higher resolution images.
During the early morning hours of June 16, 2018 Mars and Jupiter framed the Milky Way over Blue Lake, high in the Warner Mountains of northeastern California. A lone photographer stands on a point over the lake to the left and has just taken an exposure of the night sky. The Milky Way is majestic looking to the south with the reflection of Mars to the left shining brightly on the water. The planet Jupiter is to the right. A reflection of the Milky Way and stars can be seen below the downed tree near center. This image is a mosaic comprised of 9 separate images taken with a Canon 6D DSLR and Sigma 14mm f1.8 ART lens at f2.5. Each image was 20sec in length at ISO 6400. See the links above for higher resolution images.
Image Details
- Optics : Sigma 14mm f.18 ART lens @f2.5
- Mount: Tripod
- Camera: Canon 6D
- Filters: None
- Exposure (min): Each panel 20sec ISO 6400
- Camera/Mount Control: Interval Timer
- Guiding:
- Processing: Photoshop CC, Lightroom
- Location: Blue Lake California
- Sky: SQM 21.8, Dark
- Date: 16 June 2018